Wednesday, January 12, 2011

New Year's Calendar

Healthy Junkies are on the move with a UK tour in preparation starting off with some London dates... The album will be released soon.

Altercation are also playing a few dates with Jim and Joe on drums and bass as part of their new line up. A debut album should be released later on this year.

New resolutions ?... play more !

Here is a list of the gigs to come, it will be updated regulary I hope. :)


* Friday the 21st of January @ St Morritz CLUB FOR LOSERS
Healthy Junkies, on stage from 11h30pm, club afterwards until 3am.

* Tuesday the 25th of January @ Anam Bar, Criminal Records night, ANGEL
Altercation, on stage from 8h30pm.


* Wenesday the 2nd of February @ The Rythm Factory, WHITECHAPEL
Healthy Junkies, on stage from 8pm

* Thursday the 3rd of February @ Bloomsbury Bowling Lanes, HOLBORN
Altercation, on stage from 8pm, Criminal Records night

* Thursday the 10th of February @ Punk, WEST END
Healthy Junkies, on stage from 8pm, TFTV live show

* Wenesday the 16th of February @ Proud Galleries, CAMDEN
Healthy Junkies, on stage from 8pm, Criminal Records night


* Thursday the 3rd of March @ The Bridge House, CANNING TOWN
Healthy Junkies, on stage from 8h30pm, Hot Vox promotions


* Tuesday the 10th of May @ The Gaff, HOLLOWAY ROAD
Healthy Junkies supporting BLEND 71 and KOPPERHEAD, on stage from 8pm

* Friday the 13th of May @ Hollywood vines, HULL
Healthy Junkies supporting BLEND 71 and KOPPORHEAD, on stage from 8pm

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