Monday, November 15, 2010

The last blast at Bombproof, Trash My Love, photos by Brigeoo

Here is a visual selection of the memorable day we spent making our song Trash My Love come alive.
We shot everything at Bombproof (apart from the church scenes) and it was our lucky day as the studio was just about to get demolished.
As a result of that we weren't too worried about damaging the whole location in the trashing bits, and it gave us full freedom in our quest of breaking everything.
The make up, hairs and pictures have been done by Brigeoo, the outfits have been provided by Lucy, one of our lovely bridemaids, joined by Kate Ross who kindly accepted to get involved in that crazy day.
The video was directed, filmed and edited by Steve Walker, who also did our previous video Copycat.
I've presented the pictures below almost like dream sequences.
It will give an idea of the synopsis and you'll understand the mention of dream fully only once you see the video itself.
It will be up on Saturday.

(click on the pictures to see them bigger)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

An afternoon with Siausiau Suzuki

Siausiau Suzuki spent a Sunday afternoon at my flat in Tufnell Park where she took my pictures for three hours as a contribution to her art project called Fiance and Concubine. You can see more of her work on that blogspot :

There should be an exhibition happening in the futur near Shoreditch, will post the details on here when I know more about it...
Just click on the pictures to see them bigger.

Dolls and Cigarettes, Doc Martins and Lipstick, Amps and Guitars, Bed and Ashes...

Nina Courson with Siausiau Suzuki

Quick advertisement for one of my band Healthy Junkies. Doing that gig in Brighton on the 10th of October, love the flyer...

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Copycat video, behind the scenes...

Brief making of... to start with six little videos of behind the scenes.

Pictures and videos by Brigeoo.

The story line is two ex teenagers that used to be best friends have fallen out and one of them is a Copycat.
Virginia B. Fernson has specially come from Paris, having inspired the whole video and song concept. Here is the link of her music project in Paris :
We've always worked well together, complementary to each other; we've been in the same drama class since we were 16 so it probably showed in term of chemistry on the screen.
We used three locations; the first one was in New Cross in an ex school for girls which is now reconverted in a beauty salloon, held by mister Alberto Banana. We did some serious fighting there, throwing pillows at each others on the 'bedroom bed', like old times... ;)
Hair and make up was done at that same location by Banana of course.
I've combined all my female singers influences in that look, a mix between Nina Hagen, Courtney Love, eighties era Madonna and Cindy Lauper... with a touch of Ziggy Stardust when it comes to the lighting thanks to mister Steve Cole. My coiffure also has been called a trashy version of Marie Antoinette. Hope I won't lose my head in all this...
Virginia was more like a Siouxsie who meets Syd Vicious to give a punk emo kid, it was a very good contraste and it suited her well.
The second location was at Bombproof studios, thanks to Steevo who let us used his premises. The disaffected local gave us great spots like the brick wall for the grafittis scene and some obscures corridors gave us the chance to use some psychedelic lighting offered by Steve Cole.
We've also put art on the wall, kindly lended by Niki Chan and Sam Hamilton who both joined force to create the mister emo painting that has been a key accessory in the whole process.
A lot of driving was involved, actually there was more driving than shooting, and thanks to Steve loving Nightmares and his van it made the whole thing a lot easier. (As you noticed it I keep mentionning Steves, and that's because we had a unique team made of four Steve including the camera director...)
We ended up at mine on the top roofs of London doing some look alike scenes made possible thanks to Rocky's cloth shop Year Zero that you can find in Carnaby Street. We got granted the permission to borrow some cloth, and it was the perfect place if you were looking for trash teenagers look outfits.
We also did a memorable feather scenes, stabbing pillows and covering my whole flat of those vicious little feathers. It was an intense scene to do as we had feathers coming in our throats and blinding us madly.
It was also great to have Brigeoo on the set who provided us very cool pictures and immortalized filmed moments behind the scenes.
The last shot to do is with the whole band and we also want to include as much people as we can to make it a nice little party with 'tv eyes' on it.
Rock'n'rollers from London come together please.

Friday, April 30, 2010

On the roofs... of London !

In a mixture of thoughts and confusion
I was looking at the sky from my very high spot
On the very top roof of London
I felt like I could as well be in Paris
Writting a story under the evening sunlight
Letting the night come settling down in silence
Light a candle in the fortress of dreams
Look at the window to see the midnight walkers
You can see the world without being seen
Inaccessible in a tower of thoughts

It is a refuge made on your image
Pink lighting's been seen from the tube station
Red light district call or angel retreat
What you see in it is what you do not have

*Spring's mood mode*

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Trash My Love


I wanted to be the perfect girl
With unreal visions and prison of dreams
I've locked myself in my world/a room
And my body went robotic
I could only breath through despair
I couldn't feel hungry nor tired
Just this door in front of me
Blocking out the end
And putting a hold on my own life
I've trashed times and times again
I've heard the sound of the glass breaking on the floor
I've trashed my love
I've trashed fuck knows
I've created a kingdom of darkness
I'm the girl who likes to blow it
But doesn't really like it
The altercation inside of me is a big contradiction
It feels like someone close died
It feels like dying
Like a neverending fall that doesn't allow you to touch the ground
ever again
Repressed anger let go of me
I'm tired of escaping control
Making my days look all the same
Giving in abondon
Dreaming to confort myself
Trusting in my paranoias
Maybe I should try another way then
''Be brave, be strong, be free !''